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CDI 2024 - Ergebnisse, Ausschreibung & Informationen

Olympiasiegerin Jessica von Bredow-Werndl wird ebenfalls beim CDI4* Dabeisein. Foto: TEAM myrtill


Ergebnisse CDI

Ergebnisse CDN-A


Location map CDI:

- Karl-Bauer-Halle = CDI main arena

- Covered riding arena = Warm-up CDI

- K & K hall = Lunging CDI

- Forest arena = CDI training arena

- Arcades = International show office +43 660 2124348


Location map CDN-A:

- Europaplatz = main arena 1 & 2

- Europaplatz = Warm up CDN-A

- Forest arena = Warm up CDN-A

- Forest arena = Lunging CDN-A

- Arcades = National show office +43 677 62680608


Preliminary schedule CDI:

Thursday 4.4.2024    

Training CDI:

13.30 - 20.00 Uhr

max. 15 Horses in the Main Arena (Karl-Bauer-Halle) and max. 15 Horses in the warm-up arena

Training CDN-A:

15.00-20.00 Uhr in the arena "Europaplatz"


Friday 5.4.2024                

08:00     08:49     CDJ

09:30     10:05     CDIY

10:45     12:45     CDI1*

13:30     15:55     CDI3*

16:30     19:17     CDI4*                    

Saturday, 6.4.2024                         

09:00     09:49     CDJ

10:15     11:45     CDI2*

12:15     13:50     CDI4* Special

14:15     15:15     CDIU25

15:45     18:05     CDI3*

Sunday, 7.4.2024                            

08:30     09:05     CDIY

09:30     10:55     CDIU25

11:15     13:15     CDI4* FS

13:45     14:30     CDI1*

15:00     15:56     CDI2*


Vorläufiger Zeitplan Freitag 05.04. CDN-A*

07:30     11:30     M

12:00     14:30     S

15:00     18:00     Inter 2

18:30     19:40     DPS


08:00     08:35     DPA

09:00     10:10     DPL

10:30     12:00     DPM

13:00     15:00     Child

15:30     16:55     Pony

17:15     18:45     LP

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